Eastern Baptist Association
Food Distribution
We have several churches in Sampson and Duplin Counties involved with a monthly food distribution ministry. Food distribution is much more than handing out food to a hungry neighbor. It is a great way to share the love of Jesus Christ and gives us a great opportunity to share the gospel message.
You can volunteer at any of the following churches: Serenity, Evergreen, Mount Gilead, Grove Park and Warsaw Baptist.
Please contact us-together we can make a difference!
We will be attentive to the hunger around us as we simply give our time to distribute food to those needing help in our communities. Along with addressing physical needs, we will give generous portions of kindness and grace to feed spiritual and emotional hunger.
After Jesus feed the multitude he told them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst". John 6:35

First Tuesday!

Dr. Gasperson of Warsaw Baptist wants to remind everyone that food distribution is the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Anyone from the community is welcome to come and help deliver the food.
Please contact our office if you would like to help by calling (910)293-4236