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Eastern Baptist Association

Eastern Baptist Life & Recent Events
Mr. Jimmy Brown and Mitchell Henderson are busy leading teams at home building wheelchair ramps-

Make plans to come out and help-they build several ramps a week and Wow is it making a difference to our neighbors at home!

If you want to help
others right here at
home-there is not
a better way to do it!

Great Job and a Great Way to share the love of Jesus!
Open Enrollment
Warrior Strong!

Great Job Poston!
Warsaw has sent several teams to
our mountains to help out!

Re-building homes and building new relationships!

The snow certainly didn't stop these ladies from Garland !
Thank you girls for going and helping out!

More teams are showing up to help out in the mountains-

Looking Good Mintz!
Love seeing those young people!
Prayers continue from one side of our state to the other for the people in our NC Mountain areas-
Prayers continue from one side of our state to the other for the people in our NC Mountain areas-

Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Please continue to pray-God is hearing and answering! Mighty is our Lord God!
Christmas break was a great time for some of our EBA crowd to help out in the mountains-
The Norwood Family from Dobson Chapel could not have given a better gift-

This homeowner will never forget this wonderful gift of love.
Great Job Norwood Family!
And of course the kids were taken care of as gifts of toys arrived!

Calypso is back again! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus in all seasons!

Winter in the NC Mountains is still beautiful and a great time to come and help out!

As Christ hands and feet, we must be ready and be "On Mission" in season and out of season!

"More pics from our association going and helping in our NC mountains"
Cedar Fork jumps
right in !

Thank You for going to
Island Creek is always ready to help!

Looking strong Island Creek-great work!
Each year we head to West Virginia to deliver backpacks full of love and gifts from the churches in our association. This seems to make Christmas a little brighter each year!
Thank You EBA for your gifts to these children!

This team not only delivered your gifts, they also delivered a load of fun for the kids

Brandon Kelly made sure the Grinch was taken care of...
And everyone had a
Great Time..

As well as hot delicious meals!

You guys are really cooking!

I think the whole
crowd gave you
a BIG Thumbs Up!

This is a Great way for our families to "Do Missions Together" as a family

A super fun way to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

The Eastern Baptist Association Community Choir lead by Vicki Teachey
gave a phenomenal performance to our King and a large audience on the First Evening of December

What an awesome way to start the Advent Season-
A special time of preparation for the celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. All Glory be given to the Prince of Peace, Jesus our King!

We would like to commend Ms. Vicki for her direction and the choir for their dedication and hard work to present such a wonderful gift of worship to our King!

At the close of the cantata, our Director of Missions reminded us that the Peace that God sent to earth in the form of a baby, not only came to save us from our sins but came so that the Word could dwell in the our hearts. As Christians, we have that "Word", Jesus inside of us, abiding with us and directing our lives in a way to carry out His perfect plan on earth-
How will a lost and dying world know of His Word if we don't go and tell them?
Psalm 96:1b Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day"
When Tammy calls, our people from all of our churches and some from other community churches come to help pack the senior food boxes that are distributed monthly!

You guys are looking good! Doing Missions Together at Charity!
The recipients' of
these boxes are so appreciative-

Great way to
:Love your

Grove Park packed an extra Christmas Bag for these seniors at Christmas!

The group helped get them in place for

Mr. Mark Best loves to help distribute the food!

Thank You Grove Park for the Christmas Surprise-they loved them!
Hurricane Helene hit our NC mountains especially hard and experts say that it will be many years to rebuild. Much of the road, water and sewer infrastructure is so broken or destroyed that it is very hard to reach people in some of the higher elevations. So of course Eastern Baptist, you've stepped right in to help. We remember so clearly how hard some of our own neighbors were hit during Hurricanes Floyd, Matthew and Florence and we know it will take a lot of help to get these people through this.
Because of your generosity, the immediate needs of the in kind donations have been met in the area that we are partnering with in Western North Carolina. We do however continue to need volunteers and financial contributions to help with the rebuild process. Thank you for your generosity and love. The Eastern Baptist Association and Charity Mission Center is not serving as a donation collection site currently but we will notify you all as needs arise. What is needed however are your continued prayers, financial support and we need volunteers. Please email us at the following address if you can go and serve:
Many of you have already been to help in the western part of our state. We wanted to share a few pics of some of our churches that have gone to help!
Corinth Church

involved in rebuild

and delivering supplies!

Great Job Corinth!
Making a huge impact
on lives !
Thank you Dobson Chapel and
Wallace First for going to serve!

More than one way to move some mud out!
It's great to go and just "love on them"
a little-
You might just get a little love in return!

Way to Go
Dobson Chapel and Wallace First!
And Warsaw Baptist
is right on time!

Everybody plan a trip to help out-there's something for everybody to do!

Harmony Baptist is really sharing the love of Jesus-

Mt. Gilead is hard at work helping to rebuild homes and lives!

Great Job Harmony!
Keep up that good work!

A lot of our people are doing
jobs they've never done before-

And what a fantastic
job they are doing!
Great Job Mt. Gilead!
You are encouraging all
of us to get up a
team and go!
These are pics of the supplies that many of you have sent for the people that live in an area that has been cut off. We are helping to establish a temporary "Tent City"

As usual, our EBA folks know how to give and you have given in mighty ways. Thank you for the supplies you've sent for the people there and for the rebuild equipment and supplies that will be needed for many years.
We have more teams serving in the mountain area.
Sharon Baptist and Faison Baptist serving "together on mission! "

Hammers and Hugs-You're looking like Jesus!

Great Job guys and girls!
Another team from Harmony!
Looking Great!

You're amazing Harmony-
Thank you for serving the Lord!

Here comes Serenity!

God uses all of us-many members, one body-in many ways!

Dobson Chapel's here
and working hard!

More teams from Sharon
are arriving!

Always having fun in the midst of hard work! Thank you Sharon!
Rowan has come to help out! Your service is a great gift to give at the holidays!

Great Job Rowan!
Your Director of Missions is using his God given gifts to help get Rebuild under way in WNC..

Blessing so many!
Calypso sent a team-great job
with that electrical stuff!

A real love for missions!

A real love for
Thank You

Hickory Grove dug right in to help!

Looking great on the
sheet rocking!

WOM and EBA teamed up to host our

4th Annual

It was a HUGE success!

Our sponsors were Fantastic!
Our vendors were Amazing!

Our entertainers were Phenomenal!


And Cute!
Our "Special Helpers" from Liberty School and the Duplin County Queens were

Our Chili that the Cook-off contestants brought in was "Stupendous"!

And of course the kids had so much "FUN"!

So to sum up the 4th Annual Fall Festival-


Thank you WOM for working so hard to pull everybody together that made the day so "WONDERFUL!"
The perfect picture of "Women On Mission Together" with our churches, schools, businesses and the entire community to provide wheelchair ramps for our neighbors!
Great Job!
Seniors-What a Fantastic Job you did
"Sticking Your Necks Out" to help our neighbors at University Ave. Baptist Church in Hawaii! The offering was phenomenal!
Thank You all for coming out to be a part of this mission project!

And boy did you "wear your bright colors" for this event-You look great!
Carol Ann Tucker, formerly of Magnolia Baptist Church and her friend Steve did a great job entertaining our group!

What a beautiful sea of color!

The Lord has blessed the giver and the receiver! Thank You Seniors!
Charity Senior Food Box Distribution is going Great!

And don't forget, we need
Volunteers every month to make it work- Call Tammy and get involved!

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