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Weekly Prayer Schedule

Prayer Schedule for the Sixtenth Journey


February 3-9- Charity Mission Center, Corinth, Concord, Evergreen

February 10-16- Island Creek, Teachey, Rose Hill, Magnolia

February 17-23- Rowan, The Vine Fellowship

February 24-March 1- Center, Garland, Ingold

March 2- 8- Calypso, Peace, Faison

March 9-15 -Brown, Grove Park, Clinton First

March 16-22- Johnson, Warsaw, Calvary, Getsemani, EBA Office

March 23-29-Wells Chapel, Crossroads, Siloam

March 30-April 5- Albertson, Alum Springs, Bear Marsh

April 6-12- Sharon, Saron, Mill Swamp

April 13-19 Mintz, Harmony, White Oak

April 20-26- Dobson Chapel, Kenansville, Beulaville

April 27-May 3- Beulah, Turkey, New Hope

May 4-10-  Serenity, Mt. Gilead

May 11-17- Garners Chapel, Sinai, Mt. Olive 1st, Iglesias Bautista Emmanuel

May 18-24- Piney Grove, Poplar Grove, Mount Vernon

May 25- 31- Poston, Deaf Mission, Wallace First, Emmanuel Wallace

June 1-7 Immanuel, Maranatha, Hickory Grove

June 8-14- Charity Mission Center, Corinth, Concord, Evergreen

June 15-21- Island Creek, Teachey, Rose Hill, Magnolia

June 22-28- ​ Rowan, The Vine Fellowship

June 29-July 5- Center, Garland, Ingold

July 6-12- Calypso, Peace, Faison

July 13-19- Brown, Grove Park, Clinton First

July 20-26- Johnson, Warsaw, Calvary, Getsemani, EBA Office

July 27- Aug 2-Wells Chapel, Crossroads, Siloam

Aug 3-9- Albertson, Alum Springs, Bear Marsh

Aug 10-16- Sharon, Saron, Mill Swamp

Aug 17-23- Mintz, Harmony, White Oak

Aug 24-August 30- Dobson Chapel, Kenansville, Beulaville

August 31-Sept 6- Beulah, Turkey, New Hope

Sept 7-13  Serenity, Mt. Gilead

Sept 14-20- Garners Chapel, Sinai, Mt. Olive 1st, Iglesias Bautista Emmanuel

Sept 21-27- Piney Grove, Poplar Grove, Mount Vernon

Sept 28-Oct 4- Poston, Deaf Mission, Wallace First, Emmanuel Wallace

Oct 5-11- Immanuel, Maranatha, Hickory Grove

Oct 12-18- Charity Mission Center, Corinth, Concord, Evergreen

Oct 19-25- Island Creek, Teachey, Rose Hill, Magnolia

Oct 26-Nov 1- Rowan, The Vine Fellowship

Nov 2-8- Center, Garland, Ingold

Nov 9-15- Calypso, Peace, Faison

Nov 16-22- Brown, Grove Park, Clinton First

Nov 23-Nov 29- Johnson, Warsaw, Calvary, Getsemani, EBA Office

Nov 30-Dec 6 -Wells Chapel, Crossroads, Siloam

Dec 7-13- Albertson, Alum Springs, Bear Marsh

Dec 14-20- Sharon, Saron, Mill Swamp

Dec 21-Dec 27- Mintz, Harmony, White Oak




Everyone is invited to join in unified Prayer for the churches of the Eastern Baptist Association. Please use the schedule as a guide to weekly be in prayer for our pastors and church congregations.



Tammy Weeks- EBA Prayer Coordinator

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